is the CEO of Sweat and the fiance to female fitness sensation Kayla Itsines. Along with Kayla, Tobi has built the largest female fitness community in the world. Tobi talks to us about how he built their fitness empire and his tips for using Instagram for marketing. Show Notes: [1.40] Where Tobi would be without Instagram [2.20] How Tobi & Kayla got started and the background on their journey [4.00] Why Kayla and Tobi created BBG (bikini body guide) [4.45] The turning point for the business [5.55] Why Tobi thinks their fitness companies succeed over other fitness companies [7.34] How Tobi and Kayla created such a high quality product [8.15] The part ‘before and after’ pictures play in the business [9.30] The importance of qualitative feedback [11.00] How Sweat encourage building their communities [12.32] The mistakes Tobi sees other companies making on social media [14.40] Why going deeper with your audience is more important than wider [14.50] The impact of Instagram’s changes to the way Tobi uses the platform [16.50] The consistency to how Kayla’s Instagram grew to 10 million followers [17.20] How Instagram fits into the business’s marketing mix [19.15] Tobi’s thoughts on running an online business vs running a traditional business [20.28] Tobi’s tips for other brands wanting to use Instagram [22.20] How Tobi and Kayla stay ‘ahead of the game’ in their industry [25.30] What’s next for Sweat & the future Links: